Monday, December 22, 2008

Villa La Angostura and Bariloche

Yesterday, I returned to Buenos Aires from a trip south with my friend Francisco. We took a bus through La Pampa, ending up in Villa La Angostura. While I was there, we visited Bariloche, which is an hour and a half or so by car from Villa La Angostura. I climbed mountains, went to the beach and stopped to smell to the roses. Here are some pictures.

This is in Villa La Angostura. We went to a beach on one of these lakes a few times. The lakes are very deep and granite stones line the beaches.

Downtown Villa and a good example of the ridiculous quantities of roses that were everywhere. When not in everyone's yards or in public planters like these, roses grew wild in the forests and on the mountains.

Franciso and his father, Bill, took me on a trail up into the mountains. This picture is unflattering, but good evidence of the utter exhaustion I felt whenever we stopped to rest and take pictures. There aren't a lot of mountains in Florida. The prize at the end of the hike was this waterfall. Que linda.

A historical square in Bariloche. It was raining and cold while we were there, but looks like it is normally a very nice skiing town in the winter. Here are a few more photos of the abundance of roses, which I never got used to.

On my last night, it snowed. It was a beautiful change from Buenos Aires, but of course, I am glad to be back to celebrate Christmas and New Years in BA.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shults-fab-fam-fotos and more!


BTW click the photos to make them big. :)

This is Nicholas.

The time came for me to sell my leaves and I couldn't do it. So nowww I'm going to...... Teach english? I have an interview Monday. We'll see.

This is when we went to AMERIK. My last time at this wild club. I ended up barefoot in the street trying to catch a bus at 6:30am. No wallet, No phone. Thank God I had two pesos to get home.

Friday, December 19, 2008

High Five!

I taught the woman who hands out flyers outside our apartment how to high-five tonight. I'm tired of the peruvian kiss kiss shit. "Listen lady!, it's up high, down low, in space, and IN YOUR FACE!"

Or nothing at all.....


Monday, December 15, 2008

Alcohol I Have Learned About In Buenos Aires, Vol. 1: Fernet

It has occurred to me that I could write multiple posts on new drinks that I have encountered here. Beyond the bad ass red wine and limited beer brands available (both of which I intend to cover at some point), I have also been made aware of the liquor world outside of your standard gin, vodka, tequila, rum and whiskeys.

Which brings us to the mighty Fernet.

Originally made in Milan, Italy, this dark, bitter liquor has become something of a national drink here in Argentina. Upon further research, I have found that Fernet is typically served in cola, coffee, espresso or with some kind of ginger ale. However, here in Argentina, it is exclusively drank with cola. The brand to look for is Fernet Branca, which also makes a mint Fernet.

Some benefits of Fernet which I have gleamed from those here who swear by it:
1. It gets you drunk (45% ABV)
2. It makes you shit (one of its original uses was as a digestif)
3. It makes you dance (I have not personally tested this one)

What more could you ask for in a drink, really?

To say that Fernet is bitter, in my opinion, is a gross understatement. Fernet is so bitter I can taste it in my drink if the ghost of a man who thought about drinking it passes through my glass. To me, it tastes a bit like motor oil that wishes it were Draino-soaked grass. To the people of Buenos Aires, it must taste like freedom and fun in liquid form. It is an essential party drink and after work cocktail.

When I asked people what it was made of, I got the same one word answer: herbs. To be more specific, Fernet is grape-based and made from over 40 different kinds of herbs, including myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, aloe and saffron. It was originally used as a home remedy and can still be used to help menstrual pain, digestive issues and hang overs.

I find that last one little hard to believe, as I have only had experiences with Fernet causing hangovers, but that's what Wikipedia says.

To end, some silly ads for Fernet that I found on the internet, a few of which suggest that we should add to the drink's list of benefits boobs and girls kissing each other. Have a Fernet and cola on the rocks and imagine all the dancing and shitting (hopefully not at the same time) that is to come. Enjoy!