Monday, December 15, 2008

Alcohol I Have Learned About In Buenos Aires, Vol. 1: Fernet

It has occurred to me that I could write multiple posts on new drinks that I have encountered here. Beyond the bad ass red wine and limited beer brands available (both of which I intend to cover at some point), I have also been made aware of the liquor world outside of your standard gin, vodka, tequila, rum and whiskeys.

Which brings us to the mighty Fernet.

Originally made in Milan, Italy, this dark, bitter liquor has become something of a national drink here in Argentina. Upon further research, I have found that Fernet is typically served in cola, coffee, espresso or with some kind of ginger ale. However, here in Argentina, it is exclusively drank with cola. The brand to look for is Fernet Branca, which also makes a mint Fernet.

Some benefits of Fernet which I have gleamed from those here who swear by it:
1. It gets you drunk (45% ABV)
2. It makes you shit (one of its original uses was as a digestif)
3. It makes you dance (I have not personally tested this one)

What more could you ask for in a drink, really?

To say that Fernet is bitter, in my opinion, is a gross understatement. Fernet is so bitter I can taste it in my drink if the ghost of a man who thought about drinking it passes through my glass. To me, it tastes a bit like motor oil that wishes it were Draino-soaked grass. To the people of Buenos Aires, it must taste like freedom and fun in liquid form. It is an essential party drink and after work cocktail.

When I asked people what it was made of, I got the same one word answer: herbs. To be more specific, Fernet is grape-based and made from over 40 different kinds of herbs, including myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, aloe and saffron. It was originally used as a home remedy and can still be used to help menstrual pain, digestive issues and hang overs.

I find that last one little hard to believe, as I have only had experiences with Fernet causing hangovers, but that's what Wikipedia says.

To end, some silly ads for Fernet that I found on the internet, a few of which suggest that we should add to the drink's list of benefits boobs and girls kissing each other. Have a Fernet and cola on the rocks and imagine all the dancing and shitting (hopefully not at the same time) that is to come. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Clayton said...

I had fernet tonight. One cocktail and my gas smells so bad, it's keeping me awake with tears in my eyes.